UKCO2019 Poster Presentations (1) (64 abstracts)
The Charmouth Medical Practice and The Good Mood and Food Clinic, Bridport, Dorset, UK.
The ECAL indirect calorimeter is a simple and portable near testing device in use for 18 months in a GP surgery and the private Good Mood and Food Clinic in West Dorset. The test requires 4 hours of a water fast with no caffeine followed by a 5 minute breath test through a plastic tube using a nose clip while the client is reclining. Results are immediately accessible for discussion with the client and include resting metabolic rate, mitochondrial function and an indication of metabolic flexibility or ability to burn fat while in the fasting state via respiratory quotient. A series of more than 50 clients using the testing equipment were asked for their feedback by means of a postal questionnaire including their personal experience of using the equipment and the information it provided them to guide their lifestyle choices with the aim of reducing weight, waist circumference and HBA1c levels and improving their metabolic function.
One meal paid for by MHS.