Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in obesity
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Obesity Update 2020

London, UK
13 Feb 2020 - 13 Feb 2020

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Obesity Update 2020 brings together a review of the last year, plenaries, debate and case discussions.


Plenary 2: Is there a future for bariatric surgery in the NHS?

ob0002ou9 | Plenary 2: Is there a future for bariatric surgery in the NHS? | OU2020

Is there a future for bariatric surgery in the NHS?

Welbourn Richard

Bariatric surgery remains the only long–term effective treatment for patients with severe and complex obesity. Many studies have shown its superiority over lifestyle interventions and dieting. There are also many cost effectiveness studies indicating that the cost/QALY for bariatric surgery is well below the threshold set by NICE. Bariatric surgery is also safe, with HES data to indicate that 30-day mortality rates are less than 1 in 1000 in NHS England. The data are repr...